chris >  blog >  An old no-fi live recording of a Family Tree / WCTB crossover project

An old no-fi live recording of a Family Tree / WCTB crossover project

January 3rd, 2025

Fair warning, this digital recording is a very low bitrate and very harsh.

Some time around 2006, the Livermore bands Family Tree and We Carry Thy Banner decided to embark on a new project that combined both bands into one. Our plan was to release a split record of new songs, where each song featured a different lineup of musicians from each band.

The untitled instrumental song here was written by Andy (guitar) and Travis (drums) from Family Tree, and Chris (bass) from We Carry Thy Banner.

Unfortunately, this is the only recording that exists of this song. The live performance was recorded on May 17th 2006, on an iRiver iFP-890, which was a combo MP3 player-recorder released around 2003:

The iRiver recorded audio at 32 kbps with a single tiny onboard mic. It was more suited to voice memos, but it was the best we had at the time. I think we were jamming at Andy's parents' house in Tracy.

Given that the iRiver mic was a few feet away from the jam, the recording is super blown-out and has gnarly digital clipping. Having said that, if you can discern the faint drums, bass, and guitar from within the wall of white noise, there's a super pretty driving jam that evolves naturally and resolves pleasantly. I've always dug it since it was written, and always wished we'd finished that record.

There were a few other somewhat- or mostly-finished songs for the record as well, and possibly a few recordings. I would need to do a more thorough search through unsorted music files to see if I have any.

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