chris >  blog >  why blog?

why blog?

January 19th, 2024

why blog? this is a question i ask myself often.

i saw a website last year ( that implored the reader to "publish 100 posts on your personal blog in a year." i don't have any readership or following, so i would be publishing posts primarily for myself (and to test roqbox). still, i have years of blog posts to upload to /criticalhitrecords, so basically this blog post is devoid of content and you will never get the time back you spent trapped in this attention vortex, for which i apologize.

reasons to blog:

• instant wealth and fame

• give informed reviews of work boots and hack the SEO

• free eternal money forever

• improve typing proficiency

• share thoughts about star wars: the next generation

• unique perspectives requested by none

• you will get unlimited power

Comment as

I am ready for unlimited power! With it, I will make a grocery list so that I might buy more sensible combinations of grocery items. Why did I buy a single onion? To make me cry? It does not pair well with my sugary breakfast items. This message was also devoid of useful information.


I'll never recover from this attention vortex :[